donderdag 10 februari 2011

Copy transports between 2 SAP-systems

This explaination is written for when you want to copy transports between 2 SAP-systems.
During the explaination the example of transport DH1K906527 is taken.

Step 1: Find the transports

Search the directory of the transports via transaction AL11.
Normally these transports are in a directory with the name DIR_TRANS or /usr/sap/trans and contain out of 2 parts (cofiles and data-files)

For example:

Step 2: Download the transports

Go to transaction CG3Y
  1. Fill in the filepath on the sap-server for the transport that you want to download (both cofile and data-file)
  1. Fill in the filepath where you want that the file is stored

Step 3: Upload the transports

Go to transaction CG3Z
  1. Fill in the filepath where the file of the transport is stored
  2. Fill in the filepath on the sap-server where you want that the transports are stored

Step 4: Activate the transports

Go to transaction STMS
  1. Click on the lorry (Import Overview – F5)
  2. Double click on the queue of Development
  3. In the menu goto Extra\Other Requests\Add choose for transport DH1K906527
  4. The transport is added to the list
  5. Select the transport and click on the lorry (Import Request)

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